Sunday, October 5, 2008


I'll start this off by saying that my piece (above), does not have a name. It's not that I couldn't think of one, but rather I just decided that it was better without one. I felt this way because I think a title would probably only confuse people more than the piece's abstract nature already does.

The area of the piece that the viewers eye is drawn to initially is the mouse. This is because it is this high contrast and detailed picture in the midst of a beautiful and formless chaos of color. Obviously, I did this intentionally. I wanted the entire point of the piece to be the symbolism of a mouse, not just abstract colors. To me, a mouse represents being small, and humble as a result. Not humble by choice, but humble because the mouse recognizes the nature of reality. Which is, in this case, that the mouse is smaller than most things and therefore must not act like it is something much bigger than a mouse.

I believe that this idea carries over into us humans, in relationship to God. But sometimes we forget it. So to remedy that, I propose this: don't just build up the idea of God in your head with thoughts and ideas alone, but go outside on a clear night and stare at the stars and think about how each one is bigger and brighter than our own sun. Go to a science exhibit or something and learn the physics that govern this entire universe. Watch the freaking Planet Earth series on the Discovery Channel. Explore creation.

What I'm getting at is this: make it a point to realize the nature of this reality and the fact that we are practically nothing, especially in comparison to God, and you will quickly see that always saying "Lord I am so small", is not very necessary. It goes without saying.

Be blessed!


1 comment:

Mae Leah said...

Diggin this painting.

when are you gunna frame it?